
amago mark
Pictures data: Water Color or Acrylic Color
Size: 515mm*182mm (20.3in*7.2in)
The Mountain Village in winter

The Mountain Village is still winter on the day I met the trouts again.
I looked forward to meet Trout again so much.
Only the sun on the road tell us that budding is near.

The stream in early spring

Early spring in The Mountain Village. Snow is still left in the shade.
The Mourning cloak butterfly that had gotten through the winter follows me
to suck up water through my sweaty shirt when I am fishing on a nice day.

In shallows of the bank

I can watch countless baby trouts 2.8 or 3.2 inches long.
They swarm in shallows of the bank,
when the snow melts and the milky water becames transparent.
They are surprised and do not know what to do.
They run away in all directions when I come close to them.

Baby trout and Char

Little trouts jump out one after another innocently to catch my fly,
so I retreat immediately. I associate lingering snow on the mountain
where plants just started to grow with char of speckles on the trouts.
My feelings were enriched by the sound of the stream,
smell of earth and plants.

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Paper Trout
Paper Craft of Japanese Trout and the World Trout

My Best Streams
My Best Streams & Japanese Fly Fishing "Tenkara"

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© 1997 Yoshikazu Fujioka